1. The organizers of the Brasov RunningFestival is Comparty Sports Management.

2. I have read, understood and agree to theparticipation conditions described in the  Brasov Running Festival 2024regulations, available on the event website

3. I declare that I am clinically healthy anddo not suffer from any condition or disease that may endanger my state ofhealth during the race. I take full responsibility for my participation in theBrasov Running Festival 2024 race.

4. I agree (for myself and my successors) toexonerate the organizers, including its partners involved in the organizationof the event, in relation to any claim of any nature related to my injury,illness and death from medical causes occurring during the race or after itscompletion, as a result of participating in the race.

5. I agree and give my consent to theprovision of medical assistance, including my transport to the hospital, if theorganizers deem it necessary and I will not make any claims related to thetransport to the hospital and / or emergency treatment, delays or deficienciesin connection with these.

6. I declare that I have been informed and/orthat I have been made aware of the rights granted to me by Law no. 677/2001 onthe protection of personal data and the free movement of such data and Ideclare that I agree as the organizers to proceed with the collection andprocessing of my personal data (surname, first name, e-mail address, telephone,series and number of Identity Card, etc.) on the territory of Romania, directlyand/or through their proxies and/or contractual partners, in the purpose ofparticipating in the promotional and information campaigns carried out byorganizers, in order to promote the events organized or co-organized by it.

7. In the event that I will no longer agreeto the processing and transfer of my personal data under the conditionsstipulated above, or to my personal data being processed for marketing purposesby the operator or on behalf of the operator or a third party, or be disclosedto third parties for such a purpose, I understand to express my opposition atany time, in writing, free of charge and without any justification, and forwardit to the organizers.

8. I agree to the use Comparty SportsManagement , as well as by its partners or sponsors, of my name, photos,video images and quotes for promotional and/or marketing purposes, in order topromote the organized events or co-organized by him. I agree that the photosand audio/video recordings are and will continue to be the exclusive propertyof the organizers which has the right to dispose of them in any way. If Ireceive a copy of any of these photo/audio/video materials, I will use thatmaterial exclusively for personal purposes, without authorizing its use, in anyway, by third parties.

9. I grant the organizers to proceedwith the collection and processing of my personal data (surname, first name,e-mail address, telephone number, series and Identity Card number) on theterritory of Romania, directly and/or through its proxies and/or contractualpartners, in order to participate in the promotional and information campaignscarried out by the organizer, in order to promote the events organized orco-organized by him.

10. I agree to receive informative andpromotional messages from the organizers and main partners of the competition.

11. I declare that I have received thecontest kit (contest number with an electronic chip, self-responsibilitydeclaration).

12. The organizers reserve the right tocancel the event or change its date, as well as any other details related tothe event.

13. I understand and agree that any eventparticipation/registration fees that I have paid/will pay are non-refundableand non-transferable.

14. I have read and understand all theinformation above and I agree with it by signing this statement.

15. I declare that I have been informed thatthe organizers Comparty Sports Management process personal data, in goodfaith, for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes.